Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfegion. 3 3 view , and confiders that the bay of -- ]Death and Judgment are equally uncer- tain as to the fix'd time, and equally cer- - tain as to the event, and that this íhort - Life muff iffue either into rivers of Plea- - fure for ever, or into an abyfs of endlefs - Mifery, can be doubtful a moment, what - to choofe and what to avoid ? Yet 'ris - evident, that vaf{ numbers of Men that are between two Eternities , are in- different and unconcerned., into which - their Lot lhall be determined. The inchanting World darkens the remem- brance, and damps the delire of Hea- ven, and extinguifhes the fear of Hell. - Tranfient Thoughts of future things can- not excite and influence the Affeaions, nor regulate the Will .and AEtions, ac- cording as the moment of them requires. Vlofes defpifed the Pomp and Pleafures of the Egyptian Court, and chofe Afhiai- ons with the People of God , becaufe he had an intent and fix'd Eye upon the future Reward. Paul had a Heavenly Vifion, the Idea of which was always bright in his Memory, and a Heavenly Converfation. Now Faith supplies the want ofVifon; and if its a1s are not in- terrupted byEarthly Objeas deadnefs,w ill continually infpire us with fuitable affe- dons to eternal things. Above all other means let us fly to Prayer , tliat the N 4 Holy