Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfedion. Holy Spirit, by his illuminatingguidance, would dire our Minds, and a&uateour Cor. 2. F z, Faith : We have received the Spirit, that we may know the things given us. of God: That the Spirit would be our Remem- brancer, and ffrongly imprefs eternal things upon us: Without his Influence our Confideration will be cold and ineffeaualo 2. There is a juffifying Faith. The Apoffle declares, Being jufliied by Faith, we have Peace with God. This is very clearly open'd in the Gofpel ; yet there have been lately publifh'd forre Conten- tious Writings about it, mix'd with fuch Railleries and Contumelies , that have opened a Scandalous Scene, and expofed Religion to the Derifion of Libertines, and profane Spirits , and affeaed the Godly with forFowful impreflions, and with earnefi longings after the Kingdoms of Light and Love , where Ignorance and Strife are abolifh'd for ever. Inju- rious Language convinces non; but ren- ders the Minds of Men more averfè from Infruhion : We are not likely to difcover the Truth in a miff of Pafíion ; but whenTruth is calmly convey'd, the Mind is more attentive to receive it, and its convincing and perfwafive Power in- Iinuates into us. Chriftian Love would leffen the number, and allay the heat of pur Controverfies.