186 Spiritual Perfecciion. they are fearful in the inquiries of their Title to ir. And others are deceived with Prefumption in Read of Faith in Chrifi , and Security in Read of Peace with God. And by this we may under- hand from whence the purifying Vertue of Faith, as it juflifies, proceeds ; for it neceffarily fuppofes us to be under the guilt of Sin, and in defperate Mifery ; that we are obnoxious to God's Tribu- nal, who is a righteous and holy Judge, angry and incens'd for our Sins, and will be a revenging Judge to all that continue in their guilty hate ; and that our Par- don and Right to Eternal Life are to he intirely afcrib'd to the foveraign Mercy of God , the Original Caufe, and the Blood of Chriji, the Meritorious Caufe of it. Now Faith works by Love ; the Love of God to us apprehended by Faith, and our Love to him, which is the refle- xion of his Beams Mining in our Hearts, and is the powerful Principle of Obedi- ence tohim. The well-grounded Belief that. God will lave us, and bring us to ',Eternal Glory, does naturally and necef- -farily infpire the Breaff of a Chriflian with a holy Fear of Sin that provokes -him, and a confiant Care to pleafe him -in all things. Betides, God in difpenfing his pardoning Mercy requires our perfe- verande in a holy Converfation. What our Rom. 3. s5.