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Spiritual Perfec"fion. 187 our Saviour faid to the Man miraculoufly cur'd of his inveterate Difeafe , Behold thou art made whole, Sin no more lee a J °hn 5' 14. wort thing befall thee, is virtually faid to every pardon'd Believer : when God - fpeaks peace to. his people, 'tis with this- Caution, let them not return any more to - folly. I shall under another Head fpeak of Faith, as the EffeEtual Means of our SanEtification, and now will proceed. 3. Faith in the difpofal of all things by the Infallible, Providence of God, is one of thole univerfal Principles, thole prirñe and great Truths, rich in pracîi- cal Confequences, that are powerful to compofe and calm our Minds and Hearts in the midft of the vifible diforders and confufion of things in the prefent World. The Heathens meafur'd the Divine Per- fe±ions by the cornpafs of their narrow Ùnderftandings. They could not con- ceive, that one God was able to order all things, and form'd a vaft number of Subordinate Gods to whom the care of particular things was Committed. They blafphem'd him in their Imaginations, thinking him to be like Mortal Kings, infufficient to govern immediately feve- ral Kingdoms and Nations, divers in their Cultoms and Languages : who are conftrain'd to manage their Affairs by the number, variety and order of Offi- cers