188 Spiritual Per fec`iion. cers : Vice-Rays to divide the Govern- ment, Counfellors to advife about occur- rences of Moment, Secretaries to give Commiffions and make difpatches,Judges to difpenfe the Laws, Military Officers to prevent Tumults. Others confin'd his Prefence and Agen- cy to the Heavens, and fequefter'd him from the lower World , the mutable Sphere of the Elements, and of Men and their AEtions, leaving them under the dominion of Fortune. Others thought that he was fo content with his own Felicity, that all things without him were diftant from his Thoughts and Care, and that to regard and regu- late the multitude of Emergencies in this lower World, would difturb his Felici- ty. Thus the Profeffors of Wifdom, like the . Foolifh Harpafle that Seneca fpeaks of, who infenfible of her own blindnefs, alwayes complain'd the Sun was down and the houle dark, thought all things were left at random, in lode diforder, and confufion here below. Nay Some of the cleareft fpirits, and molt Vertuous among the Heathen, could not reconcile the Oppreílions and Infelicities of Good Men, and the Profperity of the Wicked,with the Reaitude andEquityof the Divine Providence;and exprefs'd their pifcontents in the Stile and Accent of their