Spiritual Perfection. their Paffions. Of this we have twoEmi- nentInftances:Brutus,whowith inviolable Integrity, had as a Senator managed the Publick Affairs, and with underlining Courage endeavour'd to recover his Countrey from Ignominious Bondage , when Vanquifht by the Ufurpers, broke ovirt. to C. out into a Tragical Complaint, O Virtue, lui ut rem, fed Iwarfhip thee as afubftantial Good,a Deity, nomen inane es. but thou art an empty Name, an Idol. The Emperor Titus, who was the delight of -Mankind for his goodnefs and benignity ; Ccelumque mul- furpriz'd with Death in his flours hing tum conriueitus eripi fibs vìtum Age, accus'd Heaven that his Life was immerenti. unjuftly fnatcht from him. The ways and Suet. thoughts ofGod in the Government of the prat. 7;. World are above the riayes and thoughts of men, as the heavens are higher than the earth. And if his Wifdom had not de- fcended from Heaven, and difcover'd it feif in the Sanauary, We fhould befoolifb, and like the beafls that perifh. But the Word of God affures us, that nothing happens in this tumultuous and - tempeftuous World, without the Know= - ledge, the Will, either approving or - permiflìve, and Efficiency of God fò far - as to difpofe the worft Evils by his pb- - werful Providence fubordinately to his Non fpecie fed. main End, that is alwa ' good. Nothin ordine placent y g g nam vttìorum, is fo high as to be exempted from the Do- nottrorum non eat author deus minion, nor fo low as to be excluded fedordinator. from Aug. 1 89