Bates - BT766 B3 1699

COR. VIÌ. ; Having therefore thereProjnifes, (fear-- beloved, let Its cleanf"our f lir e. from all filthinef o f Flefhï and Spirit, perfeHing Holinef in the fear of God. C H A Ps . The Coherence opened. The inconf ency and danger of the Communion of Chri flians with Infideli. The dignity of Beg lievers prohibits it. The Pronaife Of Di- vine Communion obliges them tá karate from contagions Convérf with Vnbe= lievers. The Inference from thole Moà tines. The Cleanfing fioni all Pollutions and perfecting Holinefs. Purifying the* f lves is the Duty of Chriftians. A Principle ofHolinef;, ac`ivated by the f rpplies of the Spirit, is requifiie to en- able Chriflians to parifie themfelves. The Pollutions of thé Flefh from the defer ring and the angry Appetite. They defile end debate Humane Nam, The diffi- cult,