Bates - BT766 B3 1699

190 Spiritual Perfec ion. from the Care of his Providence. x. We are affur'd that all things and perfons are under the Eye and InfpeEíon of his Providence. - No filence, no fa- - tulle nor darknefs can hide the Defigns -and AEions of the Wicked, nor the -Sufferings of his People from his perfe& - K:nowledge. How many Millions of Inhabitants are in the World, how diffe- rent their Conditions and Circumílances, ebbing or flowing, but they are all aEtu- ally and diflinaly known to God. With. out his Univerfal and Infallible Know- ledge, it were impoffible that God fhould Govern the World and Judge it. Tor. quatus Manlius a Noble Roman, though blind through Age, was chofen Conful and General, to Rule the State, and the Army. But no Arguments, no Intrea- ties could perfwade him to Confent to it : he anfwer'd, That it was abfblutely Impud ntem guberizatorem, ab/irrd that the Lives and Eftates ofothers n Q1 imperatoremfhould be Committed to his Providence and ef°e, qui cum Protec`iion, who muß manage all things by aliens oclis the a enda Eyes of others. The Perfeaion of funt, poflulat God's Knowledge qualifies him to Go- ptaaQ liorum vitos u vern the World, and is the Foundation Committì. Liv. of Trufa in him. He tells the number of the Stars, that feem innumerable, Pfal. 147. 41. : and from hence the PfalmiTt encourages the Church, that was then ivar. r2. difperfs'd in Captivity, that he couldga- ther