190 Spiritual Perfec ion. from the Care of his Providence. x. We are affur'd that all things and perfons are under the Eye and InfpeEíon of his Providence. - No filence, no fa- - tulle nor darknefs can hide the Defigns -and AEions of the Wicked, nor the -Sufferings of his People from his perfe& - K:nowledge. How many Millions of Inhabitants are in the World, how diffe- rent their Conditions and Circumílances, ebbing or flowing, but they are all aEtu- ally and diflinaly known to God. With. out his Univerfal and Infallible Know- ledge, it were impoffible that God fhould Govern the World and Judge it. Tor. quatus Manlius a Noble Roman, though blind through Age, was chofen Conful and General, to Rule the State, and the Army. But no Arguments, no Intrea- ties could perfwade him to Confent to it : he anfwer'd, That it was abfblutely Impud ntem guberizatorem, ab/irrd that the Lives and Eftates ofothers n Q1 imperatoremfhould be Committed to his Providence and ef°e, qui cum Protec`iion, who muß manage all things by aliens oclis the a enda Eyes of others. The Perfeaion of funt, poflulat God's Knowledge qualifies him to Go- ptaaQ liorum vitos u vern the World, and is the Foundation Committì. Liv. of Trufa in him. He tells the number of the Stars, that feem innumerable, Pfal. 147. 41. : and from hence the PfalmiTt encourages the Church, that was then ivar. r2. difperfs'd in Captivity, that he couldga- ther