Spiritual PerfeHion. i 9 i ther the out-cafts of Ifrael, though feat!. ter'd in ftrange Countries, and build up ferufalem. He not onely numbers the Stars, but the hairs of our Heads ; that are of fo fmall Confideration. All, Crea- tures are fupported in their Beings and Operations by his Power, therefore 'tis impoihble they Mould be without his Knowledge, and that any thing fhould be doneby them, or befallkhemwithout his difpofing VVill. 2. The Providence of God is not merely Theoretical, but Active, and or- ders all things. He rides upon the heavens : Deut. 26. that is, regulates their Motions as eafily as a skilful Rider manages a Horfe. The Stars, that in the Language of Scripture are the Armies ofHeaven, for their Num- Pfal. iq.7. 4. ber, Order, and Anions, he calls by their names : that is, abfolutely Commands them. For his Call is always effeaual and exaaly accomplifh'd. As in the Creation, He flake and it wos done :. he commanded, and it flood fait. So in the Confervation and Government of the VVorld, his VVord is as Powerful. Lift rr 40. 2,6. upyour Eyes on high, and behold who hath created theft things, that bringeth out their hoft by number : he calleth themall by names, by the greatneff' ofhis might, for that he is firong inpower, not onefaileth. He is not only the God of the bills, but of the val -- Kings 20, leys