192 Spiritual .perfec iöii. legs : There is nothing fo inconfiderable, -but is under the immediate difpofal of -his Providence. A Sparrow worth but Mat. i°. -halfa farthing, does not fall to the ground, . - nor a hair of our heads without his difpofal. -All the Cafualtiesand Contingencies in -the World are order'd by him. The Ar- row shot at a venture was directed by -an Invifible Eye and Hand, to fmire the -King of Ifrael between the Joynts of his a Kin. 22. -Harnefs, and wound him to Death. The mar arbitrary and free Caufes are under his determining Influence. The Hearts of kings are in his hands, and are turn'd by bim acs rivers of waters, which a Gar- diner turns into feveral Channels for to make his Ground fruitful. Sin that is -direaly contrary to his Law is not only permitted and reflrain'd, but order'd as -a means to illufl:rate his Providence, Ju- 4tice and Goodnefs. fofph's malicious brethren fold him into Egypt, but God fent him, to make provifion for the Fa. mily of 7acob in a time of extreme Fa- mine. He permitted the lyjng Spirit to deceive Ahab, by infpiring is falfe Pro- phets toencourage him to go to Ramoth Gilead, that he might Fall in Battle. He gives Riches and Honour to his Enemies, who prerumptuoufly break his Laws of the greateft Confequence, and forefees they will abufe them and prodigally pe- rifh. It