Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Per f ec`lior. It was an incredible Conception to the Heathen, that One God was able to go- vern the World : But his Power andVn- derftanding are truly infinite ; and 'tis more eafie to him, than for a Man to lift a Feather. The Accidents in this Wórld are innumerable, but cannot dil}raa an infinite eternal Mind, nor caufe weari- nefs in the Almighty. Every Agent mutt be united by aEhve Power with the Ob- jeas upon which it immediately works. The Power of God is his Effence, not a feparable quality ; he is intimate and prefent with all things. One Sun is fuf- ficient to meafure Times, diftinguifhSea- fons , and to preferve an intire World of living Creatures ; the meaneft Worm or Herb is cherifh'd by its Heat, as if all its Influences were confin'd for their pre- ferving. And is not an infinite God fufficient to fupport , and difpofe all things ? 3. Divine Providence is more fpecial and tender towards God's peculiar Peo- ple. The Eyes of the L ord run to and fro through the whole Earth, tó jhew hirnfelf 2 Chron. a5 flrong in behalf of thole, whole Hearts are perfect towards him. His tender Mercies, (his extenfive Attribute) is over all his Works But more eminently exercifed according to their degrees of Goodnefs, and his Propriety in them. Our Saviour O inferrs i93