Bates - BT766 B3 1699

194 Spiritual. PerfeFlion, inferrs by the cleareft Confequenèe, that the Divine Providence, that reaches to the falling of a Sparrow, is much more concern'd for his People ; accordingly encourages his Difciples, Fear not, ye are of more value than many Sparrows. God is the Saviour of all Men, ofeeìally of thofe who believe. Now as when the rea- fon of a Command has a dire& alpe& upon us, it more firongly binds us to obey God, fo when the reafon of a Pro- mile has a peculiar refpeE to us, it en- gages God more firongly to preferve us. -God has a Right to all Mankind by a -general Tenure, but a faecial Intereft in -the Godly. He is the King of Nations, and the King of Saints 'Tis his dearef$ Title, above all the Titles of Majefiy afcribed to him. They are precious in his efleem, bis Treafure, hisYowls, the molt valuable part of his Treafure, the 'eivels of his Crown, the moil radiant and rich Jewels. Propriety and preci- oufnefs engage his powerful and propi- tious Providence for their Good. They are expofed to many Evils for their Re- lation to him their Heavenly Father, and for his Image fhining in them : For thy fake ive are killed all the day long They are like a flock of Sheep among Wolves and Tigers , unable to defend themfelves3 His compaffionate Love ex- cites, ERod: Y 9. Zech. 3. MaI. 3.