196 Spiritual Perfecciion. Evils, confirms our Dependanceon him, and ingages our Obedience to him. This conduces to our prefent Peace, and future Bleffednefs. - There are fecret fprings of Providence that work fome- times in an extraordinary manner for the preferving his People. Yofeph was raifed from a Prifon to a Principality. The poor Prophet was fed by a Raven, when the wicked King was like to ftarve in his Palace. The malicious defign of Haman, to defiroy the whole Nation of the Yews, was frufirated, and reflexively pernicious to himfelf, by a firange concurrence of Circumfiancesr ordered by Divine Provi- dence.The faithfulCompanions of Daniel, who refign'd themfelves to his W ill and Wildom, were refcued from the Furnace and Fury of the proudKing by an Angel. But many times the Saints of God are involved in common Calamities : Inun- dations , Earthquakes , the Peflilential Air, Sword, Famine, make nodifference between the innocent and the guilty : The Sun rifes upon the evil, and the good ; the Thunder falls on the good and evil : Nay, .a. 20. as our Saviour tells his Difciples, They 'ball weep and lament, when the World re. :loxes : But he comforts them with the affurance, that their Sorrow 'ball be turn- ed into Yoy. The Apof{le declares, We Rom; 8. 28, know all things work together for good to them