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Spiritual .PerfeSlion. 197 them that love God. There are_myfteri- ous depths in the Oeconomy of Provi- dence, that the fhort Line of our Reas- fon cannot found : But we may rely up- - on the Promife of God, who can bring - Light out of Darkneß. We have an il- infrious proof of his univerfal Provi- dence, in the regular difpofal of Natural Caufes, fuperiour, middle, and loweff, in finch a union, that from the infùperam ble Difcord of Natures, the infuperable Concord of Operations proceeds, for the preferving of the World The Elflli&i- ons of the Saints are medicinal to pre- vent or recover them from Sin : And what Man of Underifanding does not efteem his Phyfician, that prefcribes bit- ter Remedies for his Health , before a Cook, that prepares things pleafant to his Tafte. Faith fees the Loveof a Fa- ther through a Cloud of Tears ; and that he is as gracious when he correas us for our Tranfgreffions, as whenhe ihcourages us in his Service. In the Sufferings of his People from the wickednefs and wills of their Enemies, his W ifdom and Power appear in ordering them for excellent Ef- feas : For the fame things that increafe the Guilt and Punifhment of their Ene- mies, increafe the Graces and Reward of the Saints. Thefe light Afflictions that 2 -or. 4 I. are but for a moment, wörk osr: for them an 0 3 exceeding