Spiritual .PerfeHion. to ingage in a Sea-fight with Pt®lorry's Armada, and the Pilot cryed out, Hoà many are they more than we I The coura- gioi s King replyed , 'Pis true, if you count their numbers ; but for how many do you value me ? One God is Allfutfi- cient againft all the combin'd Forcesof Earth and Hell. We are therefore com- manded to call all our care on him ; for he cares for pa. 'Tis very difhonoourable to God to Mad him in doing our Du - ty : For it proceeds either from a jealou- lie of his Goodnefs, or low thoughts of his Power ; as if he were unable and unwilling to five us. - A prudent ufe of- Means is requifite, otherwife we do not truft but tempt his Providence : _ There is a vicious Carelefnefs, and a vertuous Care ; but diffident and anxious Cares, as if all things run at random without the ordering of our Heavenly Father, is not only fruitlefs, but pernicious. The Apoftle tells the believing Hebrews , 2 e have need of Patience, that after ye have done the Will of Cod, ye may inherit the Promife : Some Evils would admit of no Confolation without the Promife : But the jufl fhall live by Faith, of God's pre- fence with them to fupport and relieve them in their Sorrows, and of a perfea and gracious deliverance out of them. od will thortly put an end to the Ma- 0 4 Ic, 1g9.