Bates - BT766 B3 1699

:102 Spiritual Perfed on. of David; and 7onathan loved him a his own Soul. Love is to be direaed to a double Objea, God and our Neighbour. I will confider the excellency of this fanaified Affeaion, and its exercife and reference to the fupreme and fubordinate Objeas of it. 'Tis requifite to premife, that Love is the leading Affeaion that draws the whole train with it ; not only Defire and Joy, that are of near alliance with it, but Anger and Hatred, between which Affeaions and Love there is a re- pugnance and entire oppofition, are in- feparable from it : For averton and flight from Evil , proceeds from the love of Tome Good, that the Evil deprives us of. From hence it follows, that 'tis a matter of the higheft Confequence, by Wifdom difcreet and Legere, to direa our Love to worthy Obje&s. Love is the princi- ple of all the Paflions, and either fanai- fiesand refines them from the reliques of carnal infe&ion, or (educes and corrupts them. The Mind is fo clouded by Car-' nal Love, and over-rul'd by pleafant Er- ror, that it prefers fenfual Happinefs be- fore fpiritual, that is fuitable to the na- ture and dignity of the Soul. If the Light that is in thee be Darkneff, howgreat s that Darknefs The