Spiritual Per f ec ion: 203 The Angels of Light are diffinguifh'd from the Angels of Darknefs, not fo much by Knowledge and Power, as by Love andHolinefs. The Devils are im- mortal Spirits, but under the tyrannous power of Hatred and Revenge, of Envy and Malice , which are their Sins and Torment. Men are not diffinguifh'd fo much by their Underílandings as their Wills ; not meerly by Knowledge but Love, the firff a& of the Will , the Faculty that rules in Man, and obeys God. There may be knowledge of the Divine Law, and an approving it by thofe who donot praaife it ; For the Contemplation of its Goodnefs and Equity, conffrains the Mind to affent to it. From hence we may infallibly inferr, that the radical difference, and Jiffinguifhing charaaer between a Saint, and one in the flare of polluted Nature, is the affeaion of Love with refpea to its objeas and degrees. Love to God as our fovereign Happinefs, is the immediate Caufe of our Couver- lion and Re-union with him. Love to vicious Obje&s, or when with an intern, peráte current it defcends to things not deferving its ardent degrees , alienates the Heart from God. Holinefs is the order of Love. The excellency of holy Love will appear in the following Confi- deradons, a. Love