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204 Spiritual Perfeelion. i. Love has the fupremacy among all the Graces of the Spirit. This in the molt proper fenfe, is the Fire our Savi- our came to kindle on the Earth. The Apoftle declares, that Charity is greater than Faith and Hope ; whioh are Evan- gelical Graces of eminent ufefulnefs For, z , 'Tis the brighteft part of the Di- vine Image in us. God is Love : 'Tis the moff adequate Notion of the Deity, and more fignificant of his blefl°ed Nature, than any other and Attribute. The molt proper honourable Conception, we can form of the Deity, is Love di- reaed by infinite Wifdom, and exerci- fed by infinite Power. Faith and Hope cannot be afcribed to God ; they imply imperfeaion in their Nature, and necef- farily refpea an abfent Objea. Now all things are prefent to the Knowledge of God, and in his Power and Poffefl'ion. But Love is his Effential Perfe&ion ; the produaive Principle of all Good. Love transforms us into his likenefs, and in- fufes the divineft temper into the Soul. In the aas of other Graces we obey God ; in the aas of Love we imitate him. This may be illuftrated by its contra- ry : There are Sins of various kinds and degrees ; Spiritual and Carnal ® Spiri- tual,