X06 Spiritual Perfeioii. have the gift of Prophelies, and anderffand all Myf1eries, and all knowledge ; though 1have all Faith, and could remove moun- tains, and have not Charity, I am nothing. And though I bellow all my Goods to feed the Poor, and though I give my Body to be burned, and have not Charity, it pro- fiteth me nothing. Without Chdrity Faith is but a dead affent ; Hope is like a Tympany, the bigger it grows, the more dangerous it proves. The moft diffufive Beneficence without Love , is but a facrifice to Vanity. 'Tis not the richnefsof the Gift, but the love of the --giver, that makes it accepted and re- f-warded in Heaven. The Widows two Mites cal? into the Treafury of the Temple, were of more value, in our Saviour's ac- count than the rich Offerings of others For fhe gave her Heart, the moft pre- cious and comprehenfive Gift with them. The giving our Bodies to be burned for the truth and glory of the Gofpe!, is the higheft expreffion of Obedience, which the Angels are not capable of perform- ing ; yet without Charity, Martyrdom is but a vain -glorious blaze, and the feat- ing the Truth with our Blood, is to leaf our Shame and Folly. Sincere Love, when it cannot exprefs it feif in fuitable effeEts, has this priviledge to be accepted in God's fight, as if it were exuberant and