Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfeetian. 207 and evident in outward anions ; for God accepts the Will for the Deed : If there be frrft a willing mind, it is accepted ac- cording to what a Man bath, and not ac- cording to that he kath not. q. Love is the perfeaion of the Law, the fum and fubftance of every Precept. All particular Duties, though diftinguiíh- ed in the matter, are united in Love, as their principle and centre. St. Auftin obferves, c6 That cc all other Vertues, Piety, " Prudence, Humility, Cha- flity, Temperance, Forti- tude, are Love diverfifled 6c by other names. Liberal Love gives fupplies to the G6 Poor, patient Love forgives Injuries. Love is the end and perfeaion of the Gofpel. l?ow . the end of the Command- ment is Charity, out of' a pure Heart, and a good Con f ience , and Faith unfeigned. Some reífrain the word Commandment to the Law, thinking that the Gofpel is only compounded of Promifes But they mifunderftand the difference between the two Covenants. 'Tis not in that theone commands, and the other does not com- mand, but in the nature of the Duties commanded. The Law commands to do for the obtaining of Life, the Golpe! commands to believe for Salvation. This 6t c6 6[ Temperantiam dicimus, .amo- rem Tefe Deo integrum, incoa- ruptumque fervantem, fortittt- dinero, amorem omnia propter Deumfacile perferentem. Yru- dentiam amorem bene difcer- nentemea, guibus adjuvemur, tendere in Deum. Lib. de Mor. Ecci. H. i