Spiritual .Per fe5ion. ".2054 4. _Love never fails. The Gifts and t Cot. Graces of. the Spirit are difjáenféd and continued according to our different Rates. Some are neceffary in the pre- fens Rate of the Church, with ref-pea to our Sins and Troubles, fromwhich there is no perfect freedom here. Repentance is a Duty of conftant revolution ; for while we are cloathed with frail Fleffi in many things we offend d. He is the befl Saint who feldom falls, and fpeedi- ly rifes. What Tertidlian Paid of himfelf is applicable to all, We are born for Rea pentance. What is more becoming a- Chriftian, while fo many defects and de filements cleave to hirn, than a mourn- ful fenf of them ? This in our dying Hours will make our Redeemer more precious to us, and our relyance upon his. Merits and Mediation more comforta- ble. Repentance should accompany us to the Gates of Heaven : But Repen- tance ceafes for ever, when there is en- tire Innocence. Faith is as neceffary as Life ; for we are juftiied by it from the Condemnation of the Law : But in the future gate there' is no ufé of it ; for in Heaven all Sins are pardoned , and in Hell no Sins are forgiven. Faith gives us the profpe& of Heaven, Hope waits- for it, but Love alone takes the poffeffi-- on, Faith reigns to fruition , Hope F vanifhes 13.