210 Spiritual Perfeaion. vanifhes in the Enjoyment of our defr'd Happinefs, but Love is in its Exaltation. The Graces requifite for our Militant State, are Spiritual Armour : the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Hope, and when our Warfare is ended they are ufelefs. But Love and Peace and Joy, are Robes fuitable to our Triumphant State. 'Tis true, there are force actsof Love that fuppofe Want and Mifery, as aas of Bounty and Compaffion, for there are no Objeas in Heaven to whom they may be exprefs7d. Perfea Happinefsexcludes all Evil. But Love in its Nature implies no Imperfeaion, and is Eternal as the Soul, the Subjea inwhom it Reigns, and as God, and the Bleffed Spirits, the Ob- jeEs upon whom 'tis Converfant. In Heaven 'Lis more pure and refin'd. Here the Love of God takes its rife from the Love of our felves, there 'tis principally for the amiable Excellencies inherent in himfelf. Here the Love of the Saints is not abfolutely pure : but in Heaven;what_ ever is defireable in Love is continued, and what is Carnal and defiling is purg'd away. The fmoaky Fire is chang'd in- to a Spiritual Flame. The Aas of it are more intenfe, and the Exercifè is with- out interruption. In Heaven the Saints are enli htned with Knowledge from the Father