pi itual Peifectl ort. Either of Lights and inflam'd with Love from God, who is Love: the more fully he is enjoy'd, the more fervently he is loved. Without Love there can be no Felicity in Heaven : for as Delire without Fruition is a Torment,, fo Pof: feflion without Delight is Stupidity. The Joy of Heaven a.rifes either froth the direa Fruition of God, or from the refleaion upon the Happinefs commu- nicated tò the Saints and Love is the Caufe of that Joy. Love to Corporeal things often declines in our pofï'efíing them for Curiofity is foon cloyed, and. Experience difcovers the ImperfeEtions that were conceaPdi arid according to the cooling of Love is the leffening of Joy. From hence proceeds diftafts, and a fickle flight from one thing to another; without ever receiving any Satisfaaion. But the amiable Perfeaions of God are truly Infinite, and the more clear the Vifion the more fatisfying the Fruition. is. The Brightnefs and Influence of the Divine Prefence , maintains equal? Love and Joy in the Bleffed. Accord- ing to the degrees of Excellency in the Objea, and the vigorous Exercife of the comprehenfive Faculties, the Underftand ing and Will upon it, fueh is our Feli- city. When the Beams of God's Face Are received into the prepar'd Soul, `tis P cavilled