Bates - BT766 B3 1699

2 12 Spiritual PerfeHion. ravifhed with unfpeakable Sweetnefs and Security, in his ever-fatisfying Goodnefs and Beauty. The perfeL and mutual Love of the Saints caufes a full overflowing Joy in Heaven. Sincere Love is always Bene- volent, and according to its Ardency, is the defire of the Happinefs of thofe who are the. Obieas of it. From hence the delight of the Saints above is redoubled, by the fente of their Petfonal Happinefs, and the rellexion upon the happinefs of all that bleffed Society, who are cement- ed by that dear Affeaion. Sorrow is allayed by the Sympathy of our Friends, but Joy is heightned by Communication. Sorrow , like a Stream divided in ma- ny Channels, runs more Shallow : but joy, like a Sun-beam; refleas with more intente Heat from the Breall of one en- dear'd tous by Love, In Heaven there is an Eternal Extafie of Love and JoY- I (hall now proceed to Confider our Love to God , which it the Fi,Jt and Great Command in Order and Dignity. 'Tis the univerfál Command that binds all Perfons, and in all times. Some pre- cepts are particular, and refpea the fe- veral Relations of men, either Natural, Civil or Spiritual. Other Commands though General, yet are to be perform'd ira