Spiritual Perfec`ion. in fpecial Seafons. Prayer is a univerfal Duty, for all are in a flate of dependance upon God, and'tis the appointed means to obtain his Favour and Benefits ; 'tis a Duty of daily Revolution, for we con- tinually Rand in need of his tender and powerful Providence to bellow good things and avert evil : but this not tube our perpetual Exercife. For there are other Duties to which we mull attend, that require a great part of our time. If there be a dilpofition in the Heart, an aptnefs for that Holy Duty, though the Seafon be diflant, 'tis fufficient for our Acceptance with God. But Love in all periods of Time muff be in Aa : for Obedience muff ever be praais'd, and that is animated by the Love of God, the Spring and Soul of it. The Life of a Chriftian is a continual Exercife of amble, grateful and dutiful Love. Twill confider the Gaules, and Proper- ties of this Sanaified Affeaion. Love is an Affeaion drawn forth by Delire in the abfence of its Objea, rat- ing in Complacency when the Objeais prefent. The attraaive of it is Good- nefs, which implies a convenience and agreement between the Object and the Vacuity. The Appetite is excited by the P 3 appre'