Bates - BT766 B3 1699

T . 'Spiritual Perfection. apprehenfion. In the Senfitive Nature, without Perception andAgreement, there can be no delire and delight. The Eye is not pleas'd with the moil exquifite Mufclt being undifcernible and unfuita- ble to it. The Ear though exaaly tem- per'd is not affeaed with Light, the firfl and faireft of Senfitive Beauties : for every fenfe has its proper 'Objea to which 'tis Confin'd, and cannot perceive or tafle any pleafure in another. And filch is the frame of the Humane Soul, the inlightened Underftanding irk- `eructs and excites the Will, to efteem and love, chobfe and embrace God as the Supreme Good, for his abfolute inherent Perfeaions, and his Relative Attributes, whereby he is in ,finitely the belt and mole aimiable Being in himfelf, and the me beneficial to us. The internal Perfeai- ons of the Deity, though they are all the fame Divine Nature, for otherwife thét could not be truly Infinite, yet we may conceive as diflinguifht in a threefold Order either as Natural, or Intèlle&ual, or' Moral.. Natural Perfeaiòns ; Self: Exiflence, Eternity, Immenfity, Omni- potence ä IntelleaLal Perfeaions ; know- ledge, comprehenfive of all things that arc, and all things within the potlibility of Being , Wifdom 'fumcient toGovern and Order innumerable Worlds Moral Pcr