Spiritual Per fec`Hon. Perfe&ions, Holinefs, Goodnefs, ,jut ice and Truth. Now the Union of thefe Perfections in God, deferves we Mould glorify him with all the degrees of our Underf}andings, and Wills, with the highefl Veneration and Efleem, and the moil ardent AfeEions. If the weal, and. tranfient refemblanceof fome of the Divine Excellencies in the Creatures from whom we neither receive nor expo& any benefit, raife our Efleeni and draw our Love, howmuch more Mould the Ef= fential Perfeaions of God fill us with Admiration, and the deareft Affeaions to him. His abfolute Perfeaions are not the Objeas of our Defires, for he is in tirely poffeft of them, and can never be devefled of them, but of our Love and Joy. Confider God in his Relative At- tributes to us, as our Maker, Preferver, and Benefaaor, as our Redeemer that Eaves us from an everlafting Hell, and has purchafed and prepar'd Eternal Glo- ry for us, and prepares us for it. The Eternity, Oa ni-pretence, andOm- nipotence of God, are awful Attributes,.-- and deferve our moll humble Adoration, for he that lives for Ever, can punifh for- ever, yet in conjun&ion with his propiti- ous, beneficent Attributes, Goodnefs, Cle mency and Benignity, are aimable Per- - P 4 feEions, « 15