Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual PerfeStion. 217 fhadow of defert, and after our Sin, we were defervedly Miferable. 2. Let us ponder his benefits, that if it were poffible, we may not Mies a grain of their weight. 1. In the order of Nature. He made bss, and not we our felves. The Humane Body compos'd of as many Miracles as Members, was the defign of his Mind, thevarious Art and Work of his Hands. He immediately form'd the body of Adam of the Virgin Earth, and though in the courfe of Nature our Parents con- tribute to the matter of our Bodies, yet he Organifes them in that perfeaioii, he difpofes all the parts in that order and proportion as is requifite for Comlinefs and Ufe. The Pfalmift fpeaks of this with thofe lively Exprefiìons, I will praife thee, for I am fearfully, and wonderfully made, marvellous are thy works, and that my foul knows right well. I was made ins fecr'et, and curior4fly wrought in the loweJ parts of the Earth. Thine eyes did fee my fuyanse, yet being imperfect, and in thy book all my members were written. Ifone Member had been defeaive, the Eye, the Hand, the Tongue, if one fenfe had beenwanting, what inconvenience, what deformity had infued ? To