s i 8 Spiritual .Perfec`lion. To a Body of Flet. the Divine Maker united an immortal Soul, capable to know and love, to obey and enjoy him, who is the Fountain of Felicity : A Soul incomparably more precious in the ac- count of our Creator and Redeemer , than all the World.. It heightens the Goodnefs of God, that he firft prepared îridit, borrows the World, reviewed it, and approved confignans, all as Good, and then introduced Man dijpungens as his Vice-Roy to poffefs and rule it. bonitatem ope- rum dignatione The great Univerfe he did not make for Ton{p. L "s. the weer fhow of his Power, but for Tert1,2,Con ä aarc. the dennonftration of his Goodnefs unto Man. The refle&ion upon thefe firft Benefits, our being Reafonable Creatures, which is the foundation of all other Be- nefits, how Mould it ingage us to love and fèrve our Maker, with all our Powers in their belt Capacities ? Our obligation is founded in Natural and .Divine Right. The Law of confecrating the fiat Fruits was figurative of this. Love is the firne AffeEion of the Heart, the firft Fruit of the Soul. If God did fo ftrialy egaa the payment of the firft Fruits, can we think he is lefs jealous of our Love, and lefs fevere in requiring it fhould be con- fecrated to him ? The Fruits of a young Plant are not more pleating to him than of an old Tree ; but he would inftru&