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Spiritual Perfe T1ion. 219 us to give the firft Affeaions of our Souls to him. 2. If we raile our Thoughts, and di- lfinaly confider Creating Goodnefs, our Affe&ions will be more inflam'd in the fenfe of it. We were born in dií}ant fpaces of time, according to his eternal benevolent Decree. Notwithftanding the different temporal circumífances of our coming into the World, we are all equally obliged to his eternal Goodnefs. Let us confider that in the pure pofbi- lity of being, we were not diffinguifh'd from an infinite number that Mall never be, (for as his Power is without any li- mits but his Will, the poifible produai- on of Men is without number) yet he was pleafed to raite us into aaual Being. This was a molt. free Favour ; and by refleEing on it, unlefs we are dead as the Grave, we fhall find a warm lively fenfe of it in our Hearts. If a Prince exalt and enrich a Favourite, his own Intereft is mix'd with the Honour and Profit of the Favourite ; for he expeEfs Service from him : But God whole Happinefs is infinite and indeficient, cannot receive any benefit from the fervice of the Crea- ture : His Favours are above all defers, and beyond all requital, 2. If we confider God as our preferver and benefaaor, our obligations, to Love and