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4 Spiritual Perfec` ion. makes an eafie entrance into the Soul. He teems to devetf himfelf of his Apo- flolical Gomnithon, and in the mildeff and moil tender manner mixes intrea- ties with his Authority as in a parallel place, I befeech you brethren by the name o, f our Lord 7efuo Chrift, &c. a Cor. i. IO. 2. The matter of the Addrefs : The cleanfing us from all pollution of Flefh andSpirit, and the changing us into the unfpotted Image of God's Holinefs. Thefe are the comprehenfive fum of re- newing Grace, and are infeparable. The Holy Spirit works both together in the Saints ; as the Sun, by the fame emana- tion of Light, difpels the darknefs of the Air, and irradiates it. But they are not merely different notions , but different parts of Sanaification. For the corrup- tion of Nature is not a mere privation of Holinefs , as Darknefs is of Light , but a contrary inherent quality , the Principle of all finful Evils. We are Col. 3. commanded to put off the old man, and I% 1. to put on the new : To cafe to doevil, and to learn to do well. We muff purifie our felves from the pollutions of Flefh and Spirit. The Soul and Body, in the ftate of depraved Na- ture, are like two Malefa&ors faflened withone Chain, and by their flri& union infe