Spiritual PerfeL iori< 221 were abfolutely incapable of procuring fupplies, or fecuring our felves fromma- ny dangers furrounding us. The prepa- ring the Milk for our Nourifhment is the work of the God of Nature. TheBlood of the Mother, by the ferret channels of the Veins, Is transfufed into the Breafts, and is a living Spring there. They are but two, becaufe 'tis the ordinary Law of Nature to have but two Children at a Birth. They are planted near the Heart, which is the Forge of Natural Heat, and transforms the Blood collea.- ed in the Breams into Milk. And there is a myfteryof Love in it for the Mo- ther in the fame time nourifhes her Child with delight, regards and embraces it. From Infancy his Mercy grows up with us, and never forfakes us. He is the Godof our Lives. He draws a Cur- tain of Proteaion and Reft about us in the Night, and repairs our faint Facul- ties ; otherwife our Bodies would foon decay into a diffolution. He fpreads our Table, and fins our Cop. He is the length of our days. There is fuch a compofiti- on of Contrarieties in the Humours of the Body, fo many. Veins and Arteries, and Nerves, that derive the vital and animal Spirits from the Heart and Head to all the parts, we are expofed to fb many deflrutive accidents, that were not