Bates - BT766 B3 1699

La m. 3. 22. Spiritual .Pet° fecciior. not the tender Providence of our true Father always Watchful over us , we Mould prefently fail and dye. The Lord is a Sun and a Shield : As the Sun is a univerfal Principle of Life and Motion, and pours forth his treafáres of Light and Heat without any infs and impoverifhing : Thus God communi- cates his Bleffings to all the progeny of Men. He is a Shield , proteEting us from innumerable Evils, unforefeen and inevitable, without his preventing Good- nefs. Were we only kept alite , and fighed out our days in Grief and Pain, were our pafrage to the next State through a barren Wildernefs, without any refrefhing Springs and Showers, this Were infinite Mercy : For if we duely confider his Greatnefs and our Meannefs his Holinefs and Juflice, and our Sinful- nefs, it would caufe us to look up to God with admiration, and down to our felves with cor fuuon, that our Lives fo" frail, and to often forfeited, are prefer- ved. The Church in a defolate Rate acknowledges, 'Tis the Lord's Mercy that we are not confused , hecauf his Mercies are renewed every morning. 'Tis Mercy uponMercy, all is Mercy. Our Saviour, with refpea to his humble 'fate, fags, lama Worm, and no Man ; but we are Serpents, and no Worms :' And as 'cis, ufu'ai