Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfec`ion: 223 ufual to deflroy venomous. Creatures in the egg , before they have done aaual mifchief, we that are Childrenof Wrath by Nature, whofe Coñftitution is Poy- fon, might have been juftly deftroyed in the Conception. This ravifh'd the Pfal- miff into an extafie of Wonder, whilf he contemplated the glorious Lights of Heaven, What is Man that thou art mind- fulof him, or the Son of Man that thou fhouldít regard and relieve him ? He be- llows innumerable and ineftimable Bene- fits upon a race of Rebels that boldly break his Laws, and abufe his Favours i He not only fufpends his Judgments, but difpenfes his Bleffings to thofe that in- finitely provoke him. Now, can we be unaffeaed.with his indulgent Clemency, his immenfe Bounty, his condefcending and compaffionate Goodnefs ? Whydoes he load us with his Benefits every day, but for his Goodnefs fake, and to endear himfelf to us ? For he is always ready to open his bountiful Hand, if we do not Phut our Breafts , and harden our Hearts, not to receive his Gifts. His Mercy is like the Widows miraculous Oyl , that never ceas'd in pouring out, while there was any Veffel to receive it Then the flowing Vein was ftop'd. How is it poffible fuch rich and continued Goodnefs íhould not infinuate it felf into our.