2 24 Spiritual Per f clion. our Souls and engage our Love to out bleffed Benefaaor ? Can we degenerate fo far fromHumane Nature, nay below the Senfitive (for the dull Ox, and flu- pid Afs, ferve thole that feed them) as to be Enemies to God ? How prodigious; and aftonifhing is this degeneracy ? 3. The Love of God appears in its full Force, and Glory, in our Redemp- tion. The Eloquence of an Angel , would be very dif-proportion'd to the dignity and greatnefs of this Argument, much more the weak Expreffions of Men. That we may the more diftinet- ly conceive it, I will briefly confider the greatnefs of the benefit, and the means of obtaining it. Man in his Rate of uñfl:ain'd Innocence was furnifht with power to perfevere, but left in the hand of his own Counfel. He was drawn by a foft Seducer to eat of the forbidden Tree, and in that fingle Inftance was guilty of univerfal Difobe- dience. He was ingaged in a' deep Re- volture with the' Apof}ate Spirits, and incurr'd the Sentence of a double Death; both of the Body and of the Soul. Now where was the Miraculous Phyfcian w be found, that could fave us from Eter- nal Death ? Who could Appeafe God, and AbolifbSin ? God was affected with tender pity at the fight of our Mifery; and