Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Per feHiorñ. and though the morning Stars, that fell' from heaven, are now n'andring Stars, far whom the blacknef of darknefs is refèrv'd for ever, yet he was pleated to recover Man from that defperate (late , in a way becoming.. his Perfeaions. This was the Product of his molt free Love. God's . Will and Chrift's Willingnefs were the Springs of our Redemption for he might have pari jure, with the fame juft Severity have dealt with us as with the RebelliousAngels. There was no legal conftraint upon our Saviour td dye for us, for he w.0 holy, harmlefs, un- defiled, andfiparate from Sinners : There was no violent Conftraint, for he could with one Word have deftroy'd his Ene, mies : The depth of his Wifdom, the ftrength of his Power, the Glory- of his Holinefs .and Juftice were illuftrióufly reveal'd in this great work, but Love was the Regent Attribute that call'd forth the other into their diífina Exer.: cife and aas : Molt Wife, Omnipotent and Holy Love faved us. What the Pfalmift (peaks of the Divine Perfeaia ons in making us, I am fearfully and rvon.; derfully wadi, is in a nobler Senfe verified in ow Salvation., we are fearfully and wonderfully Redeern'd, by the Conord of thofe feeming irreconcileablo Atari- butes, Yxndiaive Mice,- and Saving. eryti 25