Spiritual .Per ec aort, p . bur Saviour's interpofirig, our date was defperate to pats from death to life is a double life. We are tranflated front the guilry, wretched !`late. of Rebels, in- to the bleífed flare öf the Children of God, and are Heirs of Eterriál,.,Gloryò The duration is as valuable as the Feli- city, and doubles the Gift : Immorta- lity and Immutability are infeparable in }leaven. God has made all his Goodnef to paf before as in our Salvation. Good- nefs, how amiable, how attractive and endearing ! To dye for another is the moil noble kind of Love, but there are degrees in that kind.. to die for an Ene- my for a Rebelii¡s - the higheft degree of that Love. .1\MAT- the Son of God áf-- fum'd to the Supreme Excellencies of the Divine Nature, the tender Infirmities of the Humane Nature, that he might be a propitiatory Sacrifice for oùr Sins. In Rom; ÿó this God commended his love to us, that when we were Sinners he gave his Son to die for us. Aítonifhing Love ! it pages all underflanding. The geu>s askt our Saviour with wonder, how is it that thoai being a Man makefi thyfelfGod? We may imagine with equal wonder, how being the Son of God, he defcended from the Throne of Majefty in heaven, and floop'c fo low as to become Man ? St. Peter il- Mat. ¡6. i6 lumihated by divine Revelation, Con- fefk,