Bates - BT766 B3 1699

228 Spiritual Per fec1iori. fell;, Thou art the Chrift, the Son of the living God. But prelently after, when our Saviour foretold, that he muff go to Yerufalem, and be kill'd there, Peter began to rebukehim, laying, Be it far from thee, this fhaall not come unto thee. He could not conceive how fuch diftant and dif- cordant extremes as the Son of the Liv- ing God, and Death, could meet in Chrift : but his love to us united them. A Love above all comparifon, but with the love of his Father to us. In theSa- crifice of Ifaac there was a faint refem- blance of this. Abraham carried the Knife and the Fire, and Ifaac carried the Wood and himnfelftheSacrifice, andwith equal Reps they afce ed the Mount. A Type of the concurrent Love of the Divine Perfons to us, in the procefs of t.a.4 Chrift's Sufferings. The Father laid upon him the iniquityof us all: Purely he has born oar griefs, and endur'd our farrows. Ad- mirable Excels of Love ! The Father gave up his innocent and only Son, the bright Image of his Glory, to Cruel Suf.' ferinas. This Immaculate Lilly was pier- ced with Thorns. The Son gave fuch Life for us as no Creature can give, and fuffer'd fuch a Death for us as no Crea- ture can fuller. He defcended to our loweft Mifery, to raite us to the higheft degrees of Happinefs. Who can refit{` the'