Spiritual Per f ec ion: S29 the force of thefe Reflections ? It may feem that only the Reprobates in Hell, that have finn'd beyond the intended vertue and application of his Sufferings can be unaffectedwith them. From hence this Corollary regularly follows, that 'tis our Duty to confecrate our higheft Efteem and Love to our Redeemer. Supreme Love is due to Su- preme Excellencies, and for the greateft Benefits. In our Saviour all the Trea- fures of Wifdom and K,norvledge are hid, and all the Treafures of Grace and Mercy are open'd to inrich us. What In- dignity, what Ingratitude is it, to be coldly affected to him, who by the dear- eft Titles infinitely deierves our love ? How unreafonable and unnatural is it, to look upon him with an indifferent Eye, who died for us, and whom the Angels continually behold in a double extafie of Admiration and Joy? 'Tis moft juft that our Love should afcend to him in thank- fulnefs, as his defcended tous in benefits. But our Poverty mutt excufe the not entire payment of our Immenfe Debt, and Our fervent defires to love him bet- ter. Ifwe content our (elves with luke- warmAffeaions, 'tis moft difhonourable to him : the coldnefs of Love, as well as the heat of Enmity is very provoking to our Saviour, Q-3