Spirtttta Perfedieri, It Mould be our conf}ant pra&ife, by difcurfive and reflexive Meditation , to increafe the holy heat of our Affedions toChr.ift. He requires a love of Judg- ment and Choice. The love of Natu- ral Inclination is indeliberate, without Counfèl,:and needs no Excitations : the fiream runs downward freely. But love to Chrit is Supernatural, both with eípea to the Objea and the quality of Y!,4 Affedi.on. The Love of God is the principal obligation of the Law, and the principal Duty of the reafenable and renewed Creature : the molt OR and amiable Duty, yet fo tnonflrous is the depravation.of the humane Nature; that Divine Grace is requifite to recover its Life and Liberty. The preventing pleafures of Sin pof els the Soul. We met therefore earnef}ly Pray that the Holy Spirit would illumi nate our Minds, and direst us in the Love of God , that he. will purifie our Affedions and raif them to Heaven. The Exercife of our Thoughts is too weak and faint to make indelible impref fion of Love in our Hearts. Love is an eminent Fruit of the Spirit. The love of f -God is flied ßbrôad in the heart by the holy Spirit given to Vs. There is a ..ftrong tide of Senfual Defres that carries us downward which we cannot ftem, with- Put