Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Per fecf on. out thegalesof the Spirit to make our way to Chrift. But 'tis inconfiftent with the Wifdoni and Will ofGod, for Men to ex- pea an Infpiration fromHeaven,and neg- let theproper means, the confidering the powerful Incentives of Love to our Re- deemer, his alluringExcellency, and un- valuable Benefits. St. Paul declares, The Love of Chrift eon. trains to, for we thus judge, if one dyedfor all, then n'erealldead, and that he died for all, that they might live to him, Ifall be not cold and dead within, this will increafe the facred Fire, and inflame the Affections. But as the light of the Sun, diffus'd in the Air, fires nothing ; but the Beams contraEted in a Glafs kindle proper Mat- ter : fo the confidering of the common Salvation, will not be fo affecting, nor fowarm and foften the Heart as the fe- rious applicative Thoughts of it to our (elves : the Apoftle expreffes it, Who Gal, lovedme, andgave himfilf for me. The appropriating by a clear Faith, and Teri-. ous Thoughts his Dying Love to the Soul, will caufe an irrefiftible Affeaion to him, flronger than Death. We muff learn of Chrift how to love him. His Love was exprefs'd in the raft real AEions, and convincing Evi- °deuce it was an incarnate Love, a be- neficent Love, produaive of out Salva- tion . 2