Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual herfec`tion: Lion our love muff be produ&ive of Obedience. This is the fureft Trial of it, Ifye love me, you will keep my words, faith our Saviour. The Froft of Fear will hinder the breaking forth of Carnal Lufts into notorious Aas, as the Cold of Winter binds the Earth that noxious Weeds cannot fpring up but the heat of Love is produ£tive of all the Fruits of Righteoufners. Love to Chrift will make every Command pleafant, and the exaaeft Obedience to be voluntary, liberal, and ingenuous, Fear may en- force Conftancy for a time, but Love is a Vital Principle, continually operative in all the Tranfitions of this Life. This fecures Obedience. Chrift has faften'd us to his Service by a Chain eompos'd of his molt precious Benefits : by the pardon of our innumerable fins, and to whom much isforgiven, they love much. Fear tries in vain to make an alliance between the Fjefh and Spirit, o- beys force Commands, and tranfgrefes others : but Love refpe&s all. Fear in- duces a defertion of our Duty, when Evils nearly threaten us ; but Love en- counters them with fuch a Charaaer Of 4ffurance, as becomes thole who elteem it ä Favour and Honour to Suffer for Chrift, " Some are harçlen'd againf Af- 9ihons, and endure with Courage Per- fecutlok3s