Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfeífion. fecutions for the Caufe of Chrift, but yield to pleafant Temptations : like the Manna that would endure the Fire, but Melted in theheat of the Sun : but Love to Chrift , by an overcoming delight renders the pleafures of Sin naufeous and iníïpid. In fhort, the properties of natural Love are united in the Love of Chrifi. Love will tranfpor us to Heaven, and transform us into his likenefs. Love will make us Zealous in confiant and excellent Endeavours to be compleatly conform'd to him. Refemblance is the common Principle of all unions in Na- turc : 'tis preparative to Love, and the effea of it. Experience is a fenfible de- monftration of this. For the love of Friends, if in a degree of Eminence , Caufes a perfea fympathy, an exaft cor- refpondence in their Tempers. The exercife of Love in the molt precious Efieem of him, in burning defires after a Propriety in him, in the fweeteft com- placency in Communion with him, are Intimate and infeparable Qualities in all the Lovers of Chrifi Love to him is always joyn'd with an irreconcileable hatred of Sin, that coft him fó dear to expiate its guilt. Our lave intirely and intenfely is due to him, and no lower degree is accepted, Eór'ti; a di.lparage- ment 233