Bates - BT766 B3 1699

8 $piritual PerfeBiot?; Facultie~, congruou!ly to their Nature, ~nlightning tp~ Mind, exciting th~ · Con-; fcience, turning the Will, and purifying the AffeB:ions." · ( 2. ) After ·a Pri!lciple of Life and Ho– Jinefs is planted iq. us, we f!.re, by a con– ~inuai · fuppiy of · (lr~ngth from Chrift, affifled to exercife it in all the aB:s that are proper to the Divine Life. There 1s a· refemblance between the Fruits of the Earth, and the Graces of a Chri– fha n ; Seed mufF be ·firft !owed in the EarJi before it fprings 'out of it ; and when )tis fowed, 'the natural qualities ~f fhe Earth, Coldnefs ~nd Drinefs, are f~ ~omrary to fi·uetifying, that with01;1t the Iufl,:·~.1...r:; of the Heavens, the heat of t.;1c" P. , a,Jd ibowers of Rain, the ·seed ··, ( .·. 1h~l,., ~r in it. Grace is drawn forth ~nw Ao~'<L. ng ~nd ·fruitfulnefs, by the 1rra"!i.a.'-lng and warm influx of the _Spi– rit. · Hut we are fubordinate agents in ~arrjling on rh~ work ~f Grace to ·Per:– feaiun. · The Apofi:le exhorts us to work out om· o\vn Salvarion with fear and ~rembling ; for 'ti~ 9od WOtlfS ifl US t9 'Will and to do. Carnal Men abufe the freenefs of Grace to loofenefs and fecti;. 1 . ' ' !l~Y.. and th~. pow~r of Gra~e . ~Q negligence and la~meij. ' Our ~ependa·nc~ o~ ~od inferrs the ·ufe of means to fav~ our ~ciuk . Our . ·saviour commands u·s · t'o ; ; -~ : · ·, · , : • ' · · 1 : J; ' :wauh ' ;