Spiritual Perfec ion. the Imagination, when converfant upon Objeas prefented by the Senfes ; but the Lulls of the Spirit are form'd and wrought in its own forge, without the concurrence of the fenfual Faculties. The Lulls of the defiring Appetite, Intemperance and Uncleannefs, are fo polluting, that the confcioufnefs of fuch Crimes will cover the guilty with con- fufion. Ofall the debating titles, where- by the Devil is charaEeriz'd in Scripture, none is more vilifying than that of the unclean Spirit : This is attributed to him from the general nature of Sin. But there is fuch a notorious turpitude in Lulls groíly carnal, that they defile and defame the Sinner in a fpecial manner, not only as a Rebel againft God, but the fervant of Corruption. The Under- ftanding is the leading fupreme Faculty : Senfe that rules in Buffs, Mould ferve in Man. Nowwhat does more vilifie him, than to be diffolv'd in filthy Plea- fures, to be drown'd in a fea of Wino ; than a Life fenfual and diffolute, drawn out in a continual connexion of dreggy delights ? Gaming fucceeds Feafting, the Ball follows the Comedy, the Impuri- ties of the Night the Intemperance of the Day. Senfual Lulls degrade Men from the nobility of their Nature, the dignity of their Condition , as if they were