20 Spiritual Ferfetion. ín your own fight, for your iniquities, and your abominations. The bitter remem- brance of Sin is the firfl flep to reforma- tion. Now there are no Sinners more averíe and uncapable of luth refleaions, than thole who have been immerfl in the Delights of Senfe. The unclean wretch remembers the charmingObjeas, and exercife of his Luis with Pleafure ; and when his inflrumental Faculties are difabled by Sicknef; or Age , flr the grofs aE}s, he repeats them in his Fancy, renews his Guilt, and the Sin is tranf- planted from the Body to theSoul. The intemperate Perfon remembers with de- light the wild Society wherein he has been ingaged, the rich Wines wherein he quench'd his Cares , the ungracious Wit andMirth that made the hours flide away without obfervation, Now 'tis a Rule concerning Remedies applyed for Repugnante the recovery of the Sick , that Phyfick Natura mitt is ineffeaual without the affiance of ¿fedicina proNature ; but the café of the Sick is def- ficiet. Celf. perate, when the only Medicine, proper for his Cure, increafes the Difeafe, and brings Death more certainly, and fpee- dily. Thofe who are defil'd by Carnal Lulls have a fpecial Curfe ; they pro- voke God to withdraw his Grace, ac- cording to, that fearful Threatning, (my Spirit