Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Pet f eclion The other inftance is how to Com- pofe our Spirits, and refign our Wills to God, in the approaches of very affiia- ing Evils. Our Saviour in the apprehen- fion of his impendent Suffering, expreft a great perplexity, Now is my foul trou- bled, and what ¡ball I fay. The fearful expe&ation of the juft and heavy punifh- ment due for our Sins, perplex'd his Holy and Humane Nature : he addrefs'd a Requeft to God, Father fave me from this hour, but it was with a Revocation, but for this came I to this hour : it was fubordinate to his main delire, Father, glorifie thyName. When he was feized by his bloody Enemies, and Peter (truck with his Sword one of them, he re- prefs'd his rain Zeal with that Confide- ration, The Cup which my Father hadgiven "ball I not drink of it ? He regarded his Soveraign Will in giving it, and with Submiflion drank of the dregs of it. How inflruaive is this tous; to take the hiotteff and bitterefi Potion that God our Father and Phyfician prepares for us. 2. Prayer is an Effectual Means to obtain an increafe of Spiritual Bleffings. 'Tis the Law of Heaven, that Bleffings are to be obtain'd by Prayer, for this is moll Honourable to God, and Beneficial to us. 'Tis the Supreme Aft of Religi oUS 383 Joh.12,2 ß,2s. ,%ui in fe non babuit i ab illo calicquoe fana- retur, ne tu dediguavis bi. bere, cui opus eli ut bibas. Aug.