384- Spiritual Perfec7ion. QNifingitfarros atoro vel mar- more vulttti,non Tacit ille Deos, qui rogat, ille facit. aus Worfhip, difcover'd by the Light of Nature to the Heathens. Prayer is the Homaged'ue to his Eternal Greatnefs, the molt glorious acknowledgement of his All-fufficiency : that he is Able and Wil- ling to relieve our Poverty from his im- menfe Treafures, notwithltanding our unworthinefs : for we are left than the lea/k of his mercies, and deferve the fe- vere infliIions of his Juftice. 'Tis the fetting our Seal to his Truth, that he is a God hearing Prayer. 'Tis very benefi- cial to us : for it engages us to receive his Benefits with Adoration and Thank- fulnefs, and prepares us to receive new Favours ; and by our obtaining Blefíings in this way, wehave a more Clear and Comfortable Senfe of his Love , that gives the fweeteft Tinaure and Reliílj to them. 'Tis true, Prayer is not required to inform God, or to incline him to be Gra- cious, and fometimes from his exuberant Goodnefs he prevents our defires, but we cannot regularly expert his Blefìngs without the Senfe of our Wants, and Prayer to fupply them. Now all Bleflings are originally from God, but fome are immediately from him. As the Sun inlightens the World by its prefence in the Day, and the Moon and Stars inlighten it in the Night, by Light