Spiritual PerfeS ißri. Light borrowed from theSun. St.Ya, es tells us, Every good and perfea ect gift de., . fiends from above, frártà the Father of Lights : All Bleffings in the order of Nature, the Qualitiesof the Body, Beau- ty, Strength, Health ; or the Endow' ments of the .Mind, Knowledge, Wit, Eloquence are his Gifts ; all Temporary Talents, Riches , Power , Dignity are from him, by the mediation of fecond Caufes : but there are more precious and perfea Gifts that come from him imme- diately as the Father of Lights, Sanai fying Graces, and Spiritual Comforts, by the Illumination , and Infufion of the Holy Spirit. The firft fort of Bleffings we are not to pray for abfòlutely, for they may be pernicious, byour abufe of them, to our Souls, and are often bestowed upon Re- probate Sinners. But the other kind, Paving Graces, deferve our muff ardent delires. As the hartpants after the water. pal. sod. 4, brooks, our Souls fhould fèek after the Favour of God ; and Sanetifying Grace, the infallible Teflimony and effea of it We muff pray for them unfatisfíedly, not content with any thing elfe, nor without excellent degrees of them. Da- vidbreaks out his ardent delres, O that my wages were directed according to thy &tatates. 0 that my Soul may be baps C c tie's 3 5