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3 86 Spiritual Perfeclion. tiz'd with the Holy Ghoft as with Fir; to purifie and refine me from all my drofs ; that as Gold taken from a vein of Earth, receives fuch a luftre from the Namen terra in Fire, as if it were the foie produa of igni reilvdt. r_c, Fire, fo my renovation by the Spirit may be fo intire, that all Carnality may be abolifh'd. Our Prayers fhould be for our perfe- verance in well-doing. Perfeverance is a moll free Gift of God, a new Grace fuperadded to what we have received without it we (hall forfake God every Ezek. 36. 25, Hour. God promifes to give the fanai- a6, 29' 3°° fying Spirit as a permanent Principle of Holinefs in his People, to caufe them to walk in his Statutes, and declares, for this I will be enquired of by the houfi of Ifrael. We mull imitate 7acob, who wreftled with the Angel, and would not let him go till he had Nell him. This is an Emblem of fervent Prayer, wherein we ffrive with the ffrength and finews of our Souls, and as it were offer vio- lence to the King of Heaven to bellow Spiritual Bleffings upon us. Carnal Men are intemperate, greedy and paflìonate, in their defires of Tem- poral Bleffings ; tho' Reafon, Religion, and Experience of their Vanity, fhould regulate them They are impatient and infatiable, and will bear no denial nor delay